The Parish Church of St John-at-Hampstead

Church chat

Jenny Bunn’s Beautiful  Winter Garden 


For those of you who think that the February garden is all about bulbs, think again!  Jenny Bunn has sent Church Chat some photographs of other plants that are putting on a beautiful display in her garden right now to inspire you to think beyond bulbs as the only interesting plants in the garden in February.

In the photos you can see the  Arum italicum, with its beautiful green and white decorative leaves; Nandina domestica (which Jenny says is one of her favourites), with its lovely red berries; Abeliophylum or White Forsythia; modest Hellebores with their bent flower heads which force you to bend down to look at them, whose colours range from white, through pink to deep mauve; and Chaenomeles or flowering quince with their deep pink flowers.  Jenny also mentioned Prunus autumalis as another winter flowering shrub in her garden.