Children & Young People
As a community of all ages Hampstead Parish Church is committed to providing activities to enable the very youngest to grow in faith and understanding.
If you would like to register your child for Junior Church, please follow the link below to fill in our registration form.
Junior Church Registration Form 2024/25
Download the Junior Church Term Card January through April 2025 download PDF
What’s on Offer for Children and Young People at Hampstead Parish Church
We have an energetic and exciting Junior Church lead by a team of enthusiastic volunteers. We make full use of our beautiful outside space in the graveyard whenever we can, and special events have included a pilgrimage to Westminster Abbey, bell ringing, a roving passion play, seasonal parties and much more. All are welcome to come and join us!
All Age Eucharists
Approximately 6 times a year we hold a service which is somewhat adapted so that all ages can enjoy a full service. The children’s groups will not take place on these weeks – see term card for dates.
Sunday Mornings
Families are encouraged to start off in the morning service together with the rest of the congregation. After the first hymn, children are invited to make their way down to the crypt for the children’s groups.
There is also a more relaxed area at the front of the church where children can colour, read or play during the service if they prefer.
Midweek (during term time):
Holy Hamsters Midweek Group meets on Tuesdays during term time, in church ,from 9:45am until 11am. For under 5’s and their parents or carers. All welcome!
Holy Hamsters (Crypt Room) – Under 5’s
A relaxed group for young children and carers. The session usually includes music, crafts and story time plus snacks for little ones and coffee for tired mums and dads!
St Matthew’s Group – Years 1-3 & St Luke’s Group – Years 4-6 (Gregory & Allatson Rooms)
Aimed at primary school-aged children, these groups offer more in the way of exploring what the bible is telling us and starting to think about the children’s own journey with faith. We understand that children want to have fun as well as learn, and we always include lots of crafts and games in the sessions.
St John’s Group (Choir vestry) – Year 7 & Above
Children and young people aged 11+ are invited to join this discussion group when the choir leaves for their break during the service.

Sacred Space
Sunday Evening Youth Group – Year 9 & Above
This small but dedicated group lead by our clergy meets on Sundays, once a month. Updates to follow. Please email [email protected] for more information.
We would be very pleased to welcome new young people to the group. You can contact the Young People’s Group by emailing the Parish Office.
vestry [AT]
Junior Choir
Since 1945, our junior choir has been at the heart of HPC’s musical life, and several of our children who started as little 8 year olds have gone on to study music at university, or even become professional musicians.
The children rehearse on Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings and sing alongside the professional adult singers during services.
As well as receiving an incredible, free musical education, and being part of a lovely inclusive group of children, they also receive weekly choir pay!
If you have a musical child age 8 or over who you think would enjoy being part of this really special opportunity, email [email protected] who will connect you with our choir master.

If you are interested in joining our choir, or want to find out when our next performance will be – please send us an email.
vestry [AT]