Registers and Records
The Parish Registers and other documents are at The London Archives
The Baptism, Marriage and Burial Registers from 1560 to 1842 together with the Trustees Minute Books from 1744 to 1934 have been digitised from the microfilmed copies. They are the best quality available. You are welcome to download them for your personal use, but they remain the property of Hampstead Parish Church and may not be used or reproduced for any commercial purpose without prior permission.
If you would like to make a donation to help us you can pay directly into our Bank account.
Our Bank details are
Hampstead Parish Church
Sort code: 40-03-36
Account no: 11104004
Using as reference: History
We would like to acknowledge your gift. Please email the treasurer. You have an opportunity in the email to make a Gift Aid Declaration.
You can also make a donation via PayPal using a Debit or Credit Card. You do not need a PayPal account to do this. PayPal makes a charge to the church for these donations.
The complete collection is available on CD Rom from the Church
Baptisms, Marriages and Burials for the years 1560 to 1737 are all in the same volume so there might be some overlap in the images.