Our Charities
Let mutual love continue.
(Hebrews 13:1)
Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers.
At Hampstead Parish Church we seek to give approximately ten percent of our total annual income to charitable causes. This is an important part of our witness to the Gospel in the community and our furthering of God’s purposes in the world. There is more information about the charities selected for the next three year period (local, national and international) are in the right hand column. We hope this information will encourage you to give generously and to remember the work of these charities in your prayers.
Caris Haringey
Parish Contact: Rosemary Loyd

Christian Action and Response in Society works with homeless people in hostels and temporary accommodation in Haringey. They provide legal and other advice, an early learning drop-in centre, a mobile toy and book library, a summer play scheme and English classes.
Find out more about Caris Haringey on their website
AgeUK Camden
Parish Contact: Barbara Alden

Major cuts in 2011 have affected AgeUK’s ability to deliver vital services that are needed to meet the existing and emerging needs of older people across the borough. Henderson Court Resource Centre and the NW3 Good Neighbour Scheme, lifelines for the frail and vulnerable, are at risk.
For more information visit their website
Parish Contact:

At Hestia we support adults and children in times of crisis. We deliver services across London and the surrounding regions, as well as campaign and advocate nationally on the issues that affect the people we work with.
For more information visit their website

Parish Contact:
XLP stands for ‘The eXceLProject’. In 1996, in response to a stabbing in a school playground, the school’s headmaster invited Patrick Regan OBE, a local youth worker at the time, to come into the school, work with their students and teachers, and help with difficult behavioural issues. XLP now operates in nine inner-city boroughs around London, and the City of London, working with 4,000 young people each year through education, mentoring, employability, community youth work, sports and the arts.
For more information visit their website
Hampstead Parochial School Development Fund
Parish Contact: Graham Dunn

The Parochial School has a continuing programme of projects to upgrade and improve their accommodation which dates back to 1862.
For more information visit their website
Parish Contact: Andrew Penny

CW4S is a night shelter for homeless men and women, many of whom have a need for specialist support, run by churches in Camden. It aims to run from November to the end of March each year and the venue rotates around the churches, with each opening for one night a week. Guests may stay for up to 28 days during which time they are given appropriate help to move on to the next stage of their lives.
For more information visit their website
Asra Hawariat School, Ethiopia
Parish Contact: Jean Harrison

The school gives needy and destitute children intellectual stimulation, vocational training, better access to health services, love and security. The main target groups are the most vulnerable in the age group 5-14 who are exposed to difficult circumstances such as being disabled, orphaned or abandoned street children. Children from single parents within the lowest income group are also included.
For more information visit their website
Bethlehem Arab Society for Rehabilitation
Parish Contact: Bill and Christine Risebero

Founded in 1960, BASR is a non-profit non-government organization providing comprehensive medical and rehabilitation services to beneficiaries from different parts of Palestine , particularly those with special needs regardless of their gender, age, religion or social class.
For more information visit their website
Practical Action
Parish Contact: Anne Stevens

Practical Action is a development charity with a difference. We know the simplest ideas can have the most profound, life-changing effect on poor people across the world. This is why, for over 40 years, we have been working closely with some of the world’s poorest people using simple technology to fight poverty and transform their lives for the better.
For more information visit their website
Island Hospice

Parish Contact: Marilyn Brooks
Island Hospice was the first organisation in Africa to provide palliative care and support to people with terminal illnesses, their families and carers, as well as a comprehensive therapeutic service for the bereaved. The organisation is based in Zimbabwe, where economic conditions continue to worsen and HIV/AIDS rates are on the rise.
For more information visit their website
Parish Contact:

ALMA is the Diocese of London’s Companion link with the Anglican Church in Angola and Mozambique, and part of the network of Companion Link Dioceses throughout the Anglican Communion.
For more information visit their website
Parish Contact:

Welcome to USPG – United Society Partners in the Gospel. Founded in 1701, USPG are the Anglican mission agency that partners churches and communities worldwide in God’s mission to enliven faith, strengthen relationships, unlock potential and champion justice.
For more information visit their website
Embrace the Middle East
Parish Contact:

Embrace the Middle East work to tackle poverty and injustice in the Middle East. Where there is a need – for refuge, a home, for health care, for education, for justice and human rights – they, with their partners, respond. They support over 50 health, education and community projects, bringing vital services to those at risk of marginalisation and exclusion.
For more information visit their website
Christian Aid
Parish Contact: Judy East

A leading development agency of the churches in the UK and Ireland, CA works with those in greatest need, irrespective of religion. They combine practical action on the ground in nearly 50 countries with a strong reputation for campaigning and lobbying governments for change, particularly of unjust trade laws.
For more information visit their website
Children’s Society
Parish Contact: Susan Woolf

This voluntary society of the Church of England is a leading agency working with children in the UK. They are currently engaging in a high profile enquiry into what makes for a ‘Good Childhood’ and they have also joined forces with our diocese in a Youth Development Project to improve the lives of disadvantaged young people in London.
For more information visit their website
Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen’s Families Association
Parish Contact:

SSAFA is a national charity that offers help, advice and assistance to serving and ex-service men, women and their dependents. The services they provide can include financial support, housing, healthcare, social work, temporary accommodation for those in marital difficulties, and support for children with special needs.
For more information visit their website
Parish Contact: Sue Kwok

We believe in putting our faith into action and that one way to fight poverty is through trade. When trade is fair, lives are transformed. Since January 2008 we have been running a Fairtrade stall at the church and became a Fairtrade church later that year. Our Fairtrade goods are purchased from Traidcraft and we run a monthly stall (on the first Monday of the month) after the 10.30 service at the church. We also supply the church with basic supplies from Traidcraft. Once a year we have a Big Brew Day when we have series of fun events promoting Fairtrade and we also run a stall at our Christmas Market and at other occasional events. We are grateful for the generous support of our congregation and the small but committed band of Traidcraft volunteers who run our stall.
For more information visit their website