The Parish Church of St John-at-Hampstead

Church chat

Big Brew Day, Sunday 27th February 2022 


Big Brew is back for 2022!  This is the annual festival of Fairtrade when we raise money to send to Traidcraft Exchange, the charitable arm of the Traidcraft organisation.

For more than 30 years Traidcraft Exchange has been at the forefront of the fairtrade movement and it is only when we get trade right that we can end poverty. From supporting beekeepers in Tanzania to building climate resilience in Bangladesh, and campaigning for workers’ rights in the garment industry, the principles of justice in trade and fairness for all are at the core of what Traidcraft is about.

By gathering together on a Sunday morning we can raise money and help make a meaningful difference in the lives of producers, farmers and artisans who are now facing the dual crises of Covid-19 and climate change, all while enjoying a cup of coffee and a slice of cake!

Please come and join us after the 10:30 a.m. service on Sunday, 27th February. As well as being an opportunity to chat with old friends, and maybe make some new ones, there will be plenty to do. While you are enjoying a cup of Fairtrade tea or coffee you can:

  • buy homemade cakes and biscuits from the cake stall, many made with Traidcraft ingredients.
  • visit the Traidcraft stall
  • enter the raffle for a Traidcraft hamper
  • guess the weight of the cake
  • play the, “Find the Queen Bee” game
  • guess the number of Jelly Beans in the jar

Please give generously to help some of the poorest people in the world.