The Parish Church of St John-at-Hampstead

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Christmas Lights Concert 


On Friday 10th December the glorious Christmas Lights Concert was held, on a theme of The Three Kings.    It was truly a Community Concert.  It brought together our Community Choir and the Junior Choir under the direction of Aidan Coburn, as well as readings from the Hampstead Players and a recital by the Able and Willing Ensemble, all coordinated by Chris Money and her team.

In the programme we remembered Judy Burgess, a faithful member of both the Community Choir and the Hampstead Players, who died earlier this year.

The music was probably best summed up in the email from the Community Choirs inspiring Music Director, Aidan Coburn

“Thank you so much for all your efforts in the concert last night. The singing was really excellent – we tackled some tricky stuff and pulled it off admirably. And most importantly, the whole thing was a joy from start to finish! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did! ……..It is a pleasure having been able to welcome so many lovely new singers – I can’t wait to get started again next year!”

The retiring collection was in aid of The National Brain Appeal.