The Parish Church of St John-at-Hampstead

Church chat

The Importance of Being Earnest 


The programme says The Hampstead Players take amateurism seriously.  I would call this performance Pro-Dram.

I have been selling drinks tokens or, on this occasion, pouring wine, sometimes in the wrong places, and so I’ve seen a lot of their shows.  And what was so impressive with this one was there wasn’t a weak link in the cast.  The standard was amazingly high.  The costumes were just right – I particularly like Jack’s rather louche dressing-gown and Lady Bracknell’s hat – and the décor – those bookshelves gave a real flavour of the period.  It showed that government by committee can work, as Sarah Day, Adrian Hughes and Matthew Williams had done such a great job as joint directors.  Well done guys!

Do read Bill Risebero’s review in the next Parish Magazine.

(The photo is of Irene Vanbrugh as Gwendolen Fairfax and George Alexander as Jack Worthing in the first production in 1895 of ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’)