The Parish Church of St John-at-Hampstead

Church chat

Confirmation Sunday 


Confirmation on Sunday 7th November was such a joyful celebration and it was very special to have Bishop Rob with us in person. Before the service he spoke to all the candidates and said they we, and they, are all disciples who have been called by name to follow Christ.  

There was one baptism candidate, Lucas and 6 confirmation candidates – Ahmad, Christina, Edie, Eve, Mary, and Paransa.  

Godparents and friends from many different places, including Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam and the US, were able to join in the service via Facebook and Zoom.

The music was beautiful.  The first verse of the Offertory Motet sung by the Junior Choir, including two of the confirmation candidates, included the words “Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire” – so appropriate on such a special day.

Each of the candidates wrote a piece for the Order of Service saying what being confirmed meant to them. For two of the candidates the journey to confirmation has been a particularly  long and emotional one. Paransa and Ahmad were born in Iran and were raised as Muslims.  After Ahmad’s wife and Paransa’s mother died of cancer they both felt very lonely.  Through their loneliness they learnt about Christianity and its message of love.  They decided to become Christians and as a result had to leave Iran and flee to England, first to Burnley and then to London.  Both wrote movingly of their journey. We are truly blessed to be able to welcome them into our Christian community in Hampstead.