The Parish Church of St John-at-Hampstead


PCC Report      Nick Walser (PCC Secretary)


The PCC’s latest meeting took place on 23 May.

Helen Evans reported on behalf of the Children & Young People’s Working Party, and the PCC especially congratulated the children and their leaders on the Lent activities which had raised over £1,400 for Caris Camden’s “enrichment activities” with families living in hostels in our area.  The PCC also heard about Maureen Smith’s work as the parish’s Children’s and Youth Worker, including the new weekday group of 11-14 year olds which she and Ayla have instituted. 

Following the completion of the improvements to the lighting inside the church and the installation of solar panels on a section of the roof, the PCC is now planning improvements to the external lighting, based on a specification prepared by the same design team as the internal lighting.  The meeting agreed to move ahead with applications for planning permission and a faculty for this project, in the hope that it may be completed by the autumn.

Our Church Safeguarding Officer, Deborah Zandstra, presented her annual report and the PCC approved the annual re-statement of the safeguarding policy statement.  Deborah provided an update on opportunities for safeguarding training for volunteers helping with children and adults at risk, and training dates will be publicised in due course.

Amongst other subjects discussed, the PCC approved the appointment of professional communications consultants (experienced in advising other Church of England parishes) to carry out a review of all aspects of our communications, such as branding, the website, and social media presence as well as printed material.  We also heard from Jeremy about the Yamaha grand piano which is now kept in the church.  This belongs to Opera Rara, a company specialising in performance of rarely heard 19th century opera, directed by Sir Mark Elder.  The church has the use of the piano in return for storing it here and offering the company the use of rehearsal space in the church (mainly the choir vestry) at defined periods in the year.  This has enabled the excellent piano that was previously in the church to be moved into the choir vestry, replacing the old one which was in poor condition.

The PCC’s next meeting is scheduled for Monday 15 July.