The Parish Church of St John-at-Hampstead


Caris Haringey       Rosemary Loyd

Rosemary Loyd

CARIS Haringey is one of several charities our parish supports on a regular basis.

CARIS is an acronym for Christian Action & Response in Society, and the charity’s vision is to empower local homeless families and individuals, and to improve their welfare and quality of life. Their office is located at St. Philip’s Church in the Borough of Haringey – one of the most deprived boroughs in London, where over three thousand people live in temporary accommodation, including five and a half thousand children. There continue to be cuts in the services provided by the Council (e.g. childcare, mental health and advocacy) and in the provision of Council flats and houses.

In the midst of so many social difficulties in the area, CARIS’s Director, Gloria Saffrey and her small team have reported another year of innovative professional work. . The Family Support worker continues to organise and deliver workshops on the variety of subjects which address isolation and mental health issues for those living in temporary accommodation. With council cutbacks, she took on referrals from other agencies, providing advice, emotional support and practical help;. The idea is to support the parents of young children so that they engage and nurture their offspring during their early years, in preparation for school.

Families have been given free advice and advocacy in legal matters, language classes, and the chance to socialise at the weekly Drop In events at the centre.

The CARIS mobile Toy Library is another valuable facility. The librarian visits hostels, children’s centres and homes with a range of good toys, books, DVDs and equipment. Donations of such items from HPC during the year have been warmly welcomed.

During the summer holidays CARIS once again ran a free play scheme for children and young people in temporary accommodation, giving them opportunities to engage in a wide range of activities: sport, music, art, drama, dance and messy play. Workshops and activities were delivered by qualified paid session staff, and professionals who volunteered their time. Outings included trips to art galleries and to the seaside.

Funding in recent times has been difficult, such that the charity has had to dip into its reserves. Meanwhile the Director spends much time applying to different charities for grants, this year with a positive response from the Tudor Trust.

Soon they will be planning and preparing to host the annual CARIS Christmas party, for children up to the age of fourteen, and appealing for presents.

Thank you to everyone in the parish who has supported CARIS Haringey through food donations, children’s toys and clothes, and Christmas presents in the past. Also to John Barker and Chris Weatherhead who have helped with deliveries.