The Parish Church of St John-at-Hampstead


Hampstead Parochial School Developement Fund       Allan McLean, Headteacher

The generous grant of £1,000 has been gratefully received by the school and used to make a real difference.

We have purchased new children’s bibles for all the classrooms and new materials for our alter cloths in order to reflect the liturgical cycle of the church calendar.

We have used funds to develop worship and reflection areas in every classroom, ensuring there are crosses and candles available. These areas contain class and individual prayers and underline the importance of the Christian values of the school. They serve as a constant reminder of  ‘God with us’ and of the importance and significance of our place as a Church of England school.

We have also used funds to pay for additional music and choir tuition in order to enable the children to perform in concerts at the Royal Albert Hall.

The funds also provide us with an opportunity to offer support to our most vulnerable families who would otherwise be unable to afford the cost of residential trips.

The school community is grateful for this fund along with the daily support and prayers from church members. Our close relationship with the church is at the heart of our mission as a school. We are thankful for the wonderful support we receive from Jeremy Fletcher and members of the PCC who also serve as governors at the school. We give thanks for our continued partnership in the Gospel.