I have been interested in The Children’s Society since the 1970s. In recognition of my work with the (defunct) North London Summer Fair Appeals Committee, I was made a Member of the Society. I could attend the AGM and vote, but have not been able to get there in recent years.
However, I want to quote from the Chair’s Statement from last year’s meeting.
‘the charity has responded quickly to the external environment. To make sure that we were helping those most in need, we decided to re-focus our strategy and target our support on the most vulnerable 10-18 year olds facing poverty and neglect in our country’.
‘Our practitioners tell us time and time again that teenagers are too often the group being let down by a lack of appropriate services, lack of legal protection and negative attitudes. Headlines about the soaring scale of sexual exploitation, online pressures and the rise of legal highs are a daily occurrence.’
The Rt Revd Tim Thornton, Bishop of Truro (Chair) went on to give an example of a girl whose childhood was marked by domestic violence and alcoholism and a parent’s mental health issues. Things went from bad to much worse, but the Society was able to intervene, in connection with other agencies. Through consistent, dedicated support, she is off drugs and in education. (A two year process!)
The Society exceeded their targets for helping young people by 7% last year. Of course, there is much more that they could do. With increased financial support and the continued cooperation of organisations such as Birmingham Children’s Hospital, we hope that they continue to improve delivery of services.
I think it is important that Hampstead Parish Church continues to support The Children’s Society because other charities advertise more, It seems, and can attract supporters from other faiths and no faith. That is to say, that with a Church of England founder and connections, some people might say that Anglicans can get on with it!
Thank you for your continued support and interest.