The Parish Church of St John-at-Hampstead


Church Action on Poverty Sunday 7th February

Food is a gift from God. But in the UK today, thousands of people are denied access to that gift by injustices that leave them destitute. Churches play a vital role in sharing food with those who need it – and speaking out to ensure that nobody goes without.

The following is a prayer is from the Church Action on Poverty website.

Creator God,
you made this good earth and gave us enough
that all could delight
in bread and wine, milk and honey, story and song.
As Jesus sat by lakeside and table
and shared bread,
and said that his body was broken for all,
he showed us a glimpse of your Kingdom.
Inspire us
with a vision of a society beyond the scandal of poverty
where bread is the birthright of all your children.
Give us hearts that yearn for it,
voices to call for it,
strong hands to build it together.