The Parish Church of St John-at-Hampstead


Meet your governors: have your say!      Barbara Alden

Tuesday 21st January, 6.00pm – 7.30pm
In the Sir William Wells Atrium at the
Royal Free Hospital, Pond Street,
London, NW3 2QG

The Royal Free governors are people like you, elected by people like you, but have you any idea what they are doing in your name, on your behalf?  The governors have the task of telling the trust board what your concerns are, what you want the hospital to concentrate on in its plans for the future, and then telling you what they are doing to hold the trust board to account.  Come and listen to what we have been doing on your behalf, and let us know what you think of the way we are doing that job, and how we could do it better.

If you want to elect future governors, or stand for election yourself, then now is the time to tell us, because elections will be held very shortly.  You have a vote in those elections, but only if you first become a member of the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust. Membership is free and as well as the chance to vote it will bring you opportunities to get more involved with the hospital – if you want to.

The governors want to know what you think about the Royal Free and how we can continue to improve it, so this is a meeting for you to ask the questions.  Dominic Dodd, the chairman, will introduce the evening and provide a round-up of recent performance and developments. 

The governors are your elected representatives: come and hear what we are doing and tell us the things you want us to do. There’ll be refreshments – and, if you can, please let us know you are coming.
Put the date in your diary now: Tuesday 21st January 6.00pm – 7.30pm
Please RSVP to [email protected] (or phone 020 7830 2071)

Being a governor
Some of you may know that I am a governor at the Royal Free hospital.
As it is likely that many parishioners, as well as the wider population, are likely to use some hospital service, even if only for a blood test, I would like to encourage more people to become members of the Trust.    

This is in no way an arduous task  – unless you want to stand for election yourself! But in order to have a council of governors that is truly representative of the community (including faith communities) we need a broad membership base.                    

All that you need to do is fill in a simple form. Hopefully when elections come round you will then exercise your right to vote (though not compulsory!). You will also have opportunities to attend talks and other events – again not compulsory.

There will be new elections next spring, but as I still have another year to serve under my term, this is NOT a personal attempt to canvass for your vote as I will not be a candidate this time!

If you want to learn more about our role as governors, then it would be lovely to see you at the meeting on January 21st