It is the policy of this Church to aim to give 10% of its income to other charities. In order to help the charities which we support with their planning, we promise them that the support will be given for a period of three years. The last such period, for the triennium 2010-2012, is now ending, so the selection has to be made for the next triennium. The selection process is for the Church’s Social Action Group to make recommendations to the Parochial Church Council for its consideration and final decision. Before making its recommendations to the PCC, the SA Group would like to give members of the Church the opportunity to make suggestions for consideration.
The latest list of supported charities, with a short description of the work of each and the name of the current parish representative of each, is on the blue leaflets entitled “Giving and Reaching Out” on the shelf at the back of the church. Several of them have had long connection with this church and it is likely that most will be re-selected, but it is right that at the start of a new triennium we should carefully consider whether any should be dropped from our list and replaced by others. The aim is to keep a balance between local, national and international charities. The blue leaflet includes the following important note: “Most of these charities have been chosen as a result of personal connection with members of our congregation or because they are regarded as important agencies of Christian witness and mission.” These two criteria of personal involvement of a member of the congregation and Christian mission will again rank very highly in the selection process for the next triennium.
If you would like to make any suggestions, please give them into the Parish Office addressed to the Social Action Group, with your reasons in support of your suggestion, by the end of January. It would be helpful, if you are suggesting a new charity, to indicate whether you, or another named member of the congregation, would be prepared to act as the parish representative, one of whose obligations will be to write an annual article about it in the Parish Magazine.
Two of these charities, which we have been supporting for several years are CARIS Haringey and Asra Hawariat School, Ethiopia.
Giving to Charities in the Triennium 2013-2015
A message from the Social Action Group