The Parish Church of St John-at-Hampstead


Olympic Volunteers Nick Braimbridge

The Olympics are coming to London and by all accounts we will be amazed at the size of the celebration.

More than Gold is a Christian operation that organises volunteers.
Volunteers are needed as administrators, housing athletes families, picking up athletes’ families,  serving cups of water. St Pancras will receive an extra 100,00 people a day and volunteers will be needed for 4 hour shifts helping tourists.

On 26th July the Olympic Torch comes to Camden Town – we can join in by lining the streets, painting our faces gold, wearing Greek god / goddess outfits, growing gold flowers in the front garden.    

Staywimi organises the housing of atheletes families.

You will need to Pick up and Welcome, provide Bed and Breakfast, act as Caring and Helpful Hosts, and Drop Guests Off at transportation hubs for 8 days for up to two people.
Olympic Games 25th July- 13th August, Paralympic Games 27th August- 10th September.
The official Olympic website and Camden Council also offer useful information.