The Parish Church of St John-at-Hampstead


Flower Festival 2012 Stephen Tucker

Our congratulations and our great gratitude must go to all those who planned, organised, implemented and brought our Flower Festival to 
such a successful conclusion. Judy East, Sheena Ginnings, Chris  Money, Marilyn Brooks, Elizabeth Beesley, all our highly talented  flower arrangers, our churchyard actors and many, many more ensured  that this was an event to remember in the annals of Hampstead Parish Church. The atmosphere in church for the opening reception hinted  that this was going to be a special weekend; the pictures of the  visiting school children in the local papers, all the Saturday  activities, the stream of visitors, the flowers which also told us so  much about people we may not have known about in the Additional  Burial Ground, and the magnificent evensong with its wonderful music and splendid sermon by the Bishop of London and entertaining outcome  to the grand raffle drawn by Sir David Brewer must mean I think that this festival will not only have proved an immensely joyful  experience but will also have all sorts of unexpected consequences for the good of the parish. So what can we plan for next year….?!