The Parish Church of St John-at-Hampstead


Junior Choir Prom – 26th June Judy East

On a thoroughly celebratory weekend the Junior Choir performed their annual lunchtime prom – a selection of choir and individual pieces led by Junior choir director David Moore and accompanied by our director of music Lee Ward. 

These events have been going on for a number of years and we see the children start small and grow in size, confidence and ability.  We follow their progress, we see how much they have developed and miss the ones who have left the choir during the year.

Their pieces covered a range of voice and piano, solo and duet – Ann Norman, Guy Smith and the Fitzpatricks [Evelyn and Louise] on the piano, Victoria Scott Linden, Tallulah Wilson, Bella Carrington and Jack Groves singing solos and then all 12 [well I thought it was 12 at the beginning but could only count 11 at the end, but some of them are very small so perhaps I missed one] with a selection of the anthems they delight us with week by week in the Eucharist.

Much praise must go to David for his dedication and hard work [and what fun to see him and Lee playing a duet].   Throughout the year there’s so much we don’t see – weekly rehearsals on a Thursday, an early start on Sundays, Saturday coaching and all the ‘backstage’ preparation, to say nothing of the outings, the carol singing, the firework parties.  We are very conscious of our good fortune in finding so competent a Junior Choir Director and look forward to further delights over the coming year.