Two years ago we held an exhibition during Lent featuring the Stations of the Cross painted by members of the congregation.
This year we have been putting our minds to what we can do in 2012 and wanted to widen our net to include photographers of which we know there are several keen ones in the congregation.
Father Stephen has come up with the following suggestion:
Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane (someone praying alone)
Jesus is betrayed by Judas and arrested, (enduring betrayal)
Jesus is condemned by the Sanhedrin (enduring condemnation)
Jesus is scourged and crowned with thorns, (enduring mockery)
Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem, (Comfort)
Jesus promises His kingdom to the repentant thief, (encouragement)
Jesus entrusts Mary and John to each other, (community building)
this list for photographers illustrating the experience of running the Christian race of faith – aspects of that experience inspired by the story of the passion which could be modelled in any way the photographer chose and not representing the biblical scene but illustrating the experience in a modern way.
The second list is for painters to illustrate scenes from the stations as before. [I say ‘painters’ because if I say ‘artists’ the photographers could argue they are just as much artists as anyone else but please don’t feel excluded if your favourite medium is pastels or collage, fabric or lino cuts]
Jesus is condemned to death by Pilate
Jesus is given his cross
Simon of Cyrene carries the cross
Jesus is stripped of His garments
Jesus dies on the cross
Jesus’ body is removed from the cross
Jesus is laid in the tomb
We anticipate a maximum size of A2 [594 x 420 cm] for each entry because we have limited space available.
There’s time to think – Ash Wednesday is 22nd February but we’d like to firm up contributors by mid January – say 15th – so that we can start making decisions about where we put the works and see what gaps we’ve got. We’re not going to reject any – if we have more than one of any subject that’s fine and if we don’t get all 14 we’ll work round that too. Nick Braimbridge has kindly offered to provide us with a standard size board as he did last year but you’ll be responsible for mounting your own work.
As before there will be opportunities during Lent to pray the Stations.
Please contact Judy East [[email protected] / 020 7267 9339] if you would like to know more. The list will be on the noticeboards until after Christmas.
Stations of the Cross – Lent 2012
Nick Braimbridge, Judy East, Alf Lohr