The Parish Church of St John-at-Hampstead


30 years in UK prisons� and stronger than ever!

“In prison and you visited me…” these words of Jesus are still relevant today. In fact, this year Prison Fellowship England and Wales is celebrating 30 years of visiting UK prisoners.

Prison Fellowship England and Wales is represented in most English and Welsh prisons and involves 1,400 volunteers who pray for, and work with, inmates and their families in a wide variety of ways.           

The charity is supported by Christians of all denominations and is experiencing real growth.

Prison Fellowship operates two highly successful projects, Sycamore Tree and Angel Tree, which are based on collaborative working with a wide variety of people and organisations.

A new project called Patchwork Quilt has just been launched. It is an interactive resource covering 30 years of Prison Fellowship’s work, with an additional DVD available.

Prison Fellowship has high hopes for the future: to “reach all prisoners in the UK over the next few years”. But the charity admits that “we can only do this with more volunteers, and God’s grace. We can also work in closer partnership with churches.”

If you would like to consider becoming involved in some way, or simply know more, contact