We are holding the Volunteer Fair earlier this year, after the 10.30 Parish Eucharist on Sunday 27th June. There are two reasons for the change; first the emphasis will be thanking all of you who already do so much for the Church and who already participate in its activities. A sunny (we hope!) Sunday morning is a better occasion for that and being outside will make it easier to circulate and see what is on offer, and where you might offer your services. Second, early summer is also a better time to look forward to activity and innovation; the Autumnal feel of Dedication Sunday had a tendency to encourage thoughts of retraction and hibernation. There will be a glass of wine (courtesy of another volunteer) to encourage you try something new and daring.
Please stay behind and look around at all the different activities and groups which would welcome your participation.
Please speak to Andrew Penny (7794 2763) if you have any questions and especially if you can’t be there on the 27th but would like to know more or to volunteer for anything.”
Volunteer Fair