The Parish Church of St John-at-Hampstead


PCC report 1st March 2007 Andrew Penny

The PCC met on the 1st March. As matters arising from the previous meeting, we heard that the new boiler had at last been installed and an application for a premises licence had been made. The work on the south wall of the choir vestry was complete. Andrew Cantrill had been appointed new assistant organist and had already made a good impression. The consultant advising on staffing needs had visited and made his report which was helpful and under consideration by the Standing Committee.

Inigo introduced the Annual Report and Accounts for the year 2006. The significant item in the Risk Assessment was a “lack of ownership of fund raising responsibility” and it was recognised that strong lay leadership, probably from an individual working alongside the Standing Committee, was needed. The auditor had approved the report and financial statements. Looking at the previous year Inigo noted that a deficit had been avoided thanks to generous donations made before Christmas including £3,000 from the Hampstead Players. Next he presented his budget for 2007; he had left income from regular giving the same as last year but noted that the PCC would have to pay for new accommodation for a curate by 4th January 2008 (when 3 Holly Bush Vale would be vacated for the School to take it over). The Parish did not take the grant available from the diocese for curates in training and its Common Fund contribution would be £118,000.

A number of building matters were discussed. The work on the Moore memorial slab at the front of the nave would start at the end of March (after Paradise Lost)* and estimate were being arranged for the refurbishment of the Tower Room which was likely to cost £12,000. The PCC voted 22 to 5 to approve the purchase and installation of a CCTV system, in order to enhance the safety and security of the church and to assist liaison between organist and conductor during services and concerts. There was some discussion of the most suitable and sensitive positions for locating the cameras. Having finished work on the south side of the Choir Vestry wall, attention was turned to the area outside the northern end by the Vestry/office and quotes were being obtained for this. A new, second pew for the (compass) south chapel was to be constructed of remnants of the old front pews now in the north gallery. It was agreed that all keys to the church should be recalled and a new register established. A panel of the Diocesan Advisory Committee had visited and offered support for the plans for the extension to the choir vestry. The next step was to engage a quantity surveyor and structural engineer to establish the cost of the works and prepare plans for the congregation.

We received reports from the Area Council and Deanery Synod and briefly discussed the London Challenge. It was agreed that this should be publicised and a suitable article would be written for the Parish Magazine not least directing readers to the website. A parish seminar should be arranged to be lead by a diocesan representative.