Thank you to everyone who contributed to Christian Aid during Christian Aid week – whether in donations or in time spent with collecting tins. Altogether the parish raised £928.41.
Climate Change Campaign
Climate change is already happening – and it is hitting the poor hardest. But you can help do something about it. UK CO2 emissions comprise 2% of the global total. But the activity of UK companies worldwide raises that share to a huge 12-15%.
We want the government to make it law for UK companies to give a full account of their CO2 emissions in their annual report. We also want companies to do their bit. We want companies to publish a full account of their global carbon footprint in their annual reports, and to commit to at least a 5% cut per year in their carbon emissions. You can help by sending an email to Barclays, International Power and Morrisons.
Why Barclays, International Power and Morrisons?
Barclays and Morrisons have been selected as examples of incomplete reporting in leading areas of business. We want Barclays Bank to make public the emissions that result from their lending and investment activities and Morrisons to include the emissions from their transport fleet and supply chain in their total emissions. Using data published by companies themselves and applying the same methodology to each company, we estimate Morrisons is the most carbon intensive of the major UK supermarkets and Barclays to have the most carbon intensive loans.
International Power has been selected because it produces more CO2 per unit of power than any other power company on the FTSE 100 (excluding Drax who only own one very large coal fired power station) and it does not have clear targets for reducing its emissions.
What about the government?
We are calling on the government to take action on climate change too. We are asking Gordon Brown to make it law for companies to calculate and publish their global CO2 to an agreed standard in their annual report.
You can email Barclays, Morrisons, International Power and Gordon Brown from the Christian Aid website:
12 July – 2 October Cut the Carbon March
Twenty marchers will walk the 1,000 miles meeting rallies, services and protests en route. They will finish up in London. Local events will be announced nearer the time.
Details of all Christian Aid’s work around the world can be found on their website
Judy East
Christain Aid Week
Judy East