The Parish Church of St John-at-Hampstead


A New Curate Stephen Tucker

I want to let you know where we have go to in finding a new curate, and in the light of what follows, to make an appeal for help.

The first proposal was that we might go into partnership with Holy Trinity, Finchley Road, and that the new curate would live in the vicarage there. That scheme turned out to be practically difficult and to offer less help than we really need on a Sunday. The Bishop of Edmonton is now asking us to consider the possibility of a full time second curate, who might either have served a first curacy or who might arrive as a deacon to serve his or her first curacy here.

We would be unlikely to recruit a deacon until June 2007 and finding a curate willing to undertake a second curacy could be difficult as many are keen to take on more extensive responsibilities [as Matthew was]. In view of the possible delay in finding a suitable person we might have to look for temporary help.

There is also the question of accommodation. In recent years our senior curate has lived in accommodation in the Parochial School playground which is rented from the Trustees of Holly Bush Vale. It is the responsibility of the Trustees to make the best use of those buildings for the sake of the school and up until recently the income from rent paid by the PCC has been regarded as the best use’. The school governors are currently looking at options for increasing the space available for the school’s activities and it may be that they will seek permission to change the status of one of the houses from residential to educational use. If the necessary permissions were to be given the parish would need to find alternative accommodation for a second curate.
How you can help

I should therefore be grateful to know of any accommodation any of you might be able to offer or suggest [for a fair rent or possibly to buy] in which we could house a new curate.

Financial implications
There will be a significant financial impact on the parish if we want three full time stipendiary clergy to minister to the needs of the parish. Your Parochial Church Council will be giving thought to this shortly, but inevitably we shall require your generous financial support to make this development possible.