The Parish Church of St John-at-Hampstead


In Memoriam

Flowers and music can be sponsored in memory of loved ones. If you would like to make an offering towards the week’s flowers please contact Sheena Ginnings on 020 8340 0836 [email protected] . A typical week’s flowers cost around £25. At Easter we take smaller sums, suggesting £4 per name and a list is displayed in the porch.

Music for special services can also be sponsored. A soloist at, for instance, the All Souls’ Service, costs around £75. Or you could pay for some of the choir members [about £50 each] for Easter Day. Sometimes we have weekday evening services – Ash Wednesday for instance – for which the choir can also be sponsored. On these occasions a note would be put in the pew sheet, unless you preferred it to be anonymous, indicating that sponsorship had been received in memory of a particular person or commemorating a special event. Offers for music can be made to the Vicar [020 7435 0553 [email protected] ] or Parish Clerk [020 7794 5808 [email protected] ]