The Parish Church of St John-at-Hampstead


Welcomers Stephen Tucker

Welcomers: from the first Sunday in July you will see someone exercising a new role as you arrive and leave church. They will have badges saying ‘Welcome to Hampstead Parish Church’ and indicating their names. One will stand outside the church and the other by the font. They will be on the lookout for newcomers and people who seem uncertain about what to do and where to sit. They will be available for any kind of advice about the service or where to find the vestry, the loos, the crypt etc They may suggest someone sits next to you so that you can help them find their way through the service if it is unfamiliar to them. They will invite people to coffee in the crypt, introduce them and ensure that no-one is left on their own over coffee. Of course our welcomers don’t already know everyone, or their names. So if you’ve been coming here for some time but a welcomer doesn’t recognise you or know your full name please be patient. We could all know one another better and this is a scheme to help that happen.