The Parish Church of St John-at-Hampstead

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Help to look after our historic burial grounds


Our two burial grounds – the one attached to the church and the Additional Burial Ground across the road –  are the final resting place of many famous people.  Have a browse on the Tomb with a View website and  the history pages of the church website and see who you can find.

The Additional Burial Ground  also has eight Commonwealth War Graves – six of soldiers from the First World War and two from the Second World War, who died at home from their wounds. Read about these men on the Tomb with a View website on this page  You can find out more about what life was like for the residents of Hampstead during World War One and the men who are commemorated on the various war memorials around the village on the Community@War website

In addition to their historic importance did you know that in November 2003 the original burial ground attached to Hampstead Parish Church and the Additional Burial Ground were designated as a Site of Nature Conservation Importance (borough importance grade 1)?

As well as being important historic and scientific sites the burial grounds are also important havens for wildlife and areas of peace and calm for people in a busy city.

Would you like to help look after these two important spaces?  The Gardening Team meets on the first Saturday of each month from 10.00 am to 12 noon under the experienced guidance of Jenny Bunn. Refreshments are  also provided.  If you would like to know more contact Judy East at [email protected]