Plot XB011
People listed in reference: XB011
- COMBRUNE Helen 1772 XB 011
- COMBRUNE Lewis 1764 XB 011
- GARDNOR Helen 1754 XB 011
- GARDNOR Thomas 1775 XB 011
- GARDNOR Thomas 1863 XB 011
- GARDNOR Thomas Combrune 1816 XB 011
- GATES Helen 1714 XB 011
- GATES William 1731 XB 011
- TURNER Charles Mallord 1979 XB 011
This grave is in the churchyard
Near the main gate, is one of the finest in the churhchyard; a decorated limestone base supports a sculptured pedestal and urn. There is a coat-of-arms and beautiful cursive flourishes in the inscription. The whole was restored in 1982 in memory of Charles Mallord Turner, former churchwarden.
This information was updated on 25th May 2014