The Parish Church of St John-at-Hampstead

Church chat

Another chance to see…..


I don’t know about you but I sense a sort of fog descending over the pandemic months during and before which I struggle to remember what was what.  I know, because it was on Church Chat in February 2021, that we had Essy’s Stations of the Cross up in church for Lent.  I definitely do remember how striking Essy’s images were and so it’s a great joy to have them on display again this Lent. And I know, because I found a reference rather than because I remembered, that Ayla Lepine used them online to great effect during Lent 2020 and I found a link to this on our YouTube channel    

Possibly not that many of you had much time to look at them because (I vaguely recall) although the church was open for a short time each day we didn’t have services till Palm Sunday, and even then people were cautious about attending.

This year should be much easier.  And copies of “The Way of the Cross”, prayers to accompany private meditation, will be available. 

If you want to know more about Essy’s creative process you can find her article in Church Chat for February 2021, and her full interview with Ayla in the April 2020 parish magazine available here 2020_april.pdf ( The single image below is Gethsemane which I find particularly moving.

Church Chat would love to hear how you encountered these images as you follow the Stations of the Cross..

“The narrative of Christ’s Passion invites us to look within ourselves to explore how we can be closer to Jesus.” 

Essy Sparrow April 2020