Bubble Church – Making a Lenten Tree
‘Love Life, Live Lent’ is Bubble Church’s focus this Lent. We kicked off with our Pancake Party on Shrove Tuesday. Some people give up something for Lent, like chocolate, but our focus is showing love to others through small everyday actions. Children and families were asked to make a Lenten Tree. Each week they will write one small act of kindness on a leaf and hang it or stick it on their tree as a reminder. They could hang more leaves on their trees if they wish

Making your Lenten Tree
You will need a small tree branch, paper, string, a pair of scissors a jar or container.
For the leaves – cut these out from coloured paper or draw your own.
Draw a tree and have your leaves ready to stick on.
Each week: Write your act of kindness on a leaf and hang it or stick it on your tree.
The lovely acts of kindness that members of Bubble Church will be doing during Lent include “get my mum tea”, “give mummy lots of hugs”, “tidy and help my mum” and “share toys at school”.