C4SW Winter Shelter Update
2020 has provided many challenges to C4WS, not least how to provide and operate our winter shelter in compliance with Public Health England guidelines and ensure the safety for guests, staff and volunteers.

After many months of hard work, and having to change our plans several times, we are delighted that our shelter, in a hotel near Euston Station, will be opening this winter on 14th December. In what will be our 17th season of providing emergency accommodation for those in need there are some significant changes. Instead of a rolling model where the shelter moves between different churches we are using a hotel which will act as a single, static venue. This enables us to increase capacity to 20 guests and ensure that each guest will have a private room of their own. In addition, we will not be a night shelter but providing this accommodation 24/7 and running until 1 April 2021.
The hotel will be providing meal and volunteers from Hampstead Parish Church will be serving them and providing a friendly presence.
As well as this Christmas is coming and Jenny Bunn and Susan Woolf have put together Christmas bags for each of the guests which include practical items, a puzzle book, chocolate and a knitted cap, scarf or mittens.
If you would like to volunteer to support the shelter please contact me through the Vestry