The Parish Church of St John-at-Hampstead

Church chat

Community Sponsorship – April/ May update


The Almasri family are well and happy. At the beginning of April Aseel celebrated her 6th birthday in lockdown. Lucy Dennett cycled over the M&S to buy her a caterpillar birthday cake and some other birthday goodies then cycled over to their flat to leave them at their front door. You can see from the photo that Aseel was clearly pleased with her birthday cake.

The family are lucky that they live just across the road from Coram Fields which is a big open space to walk and play in. Baby Yousef is growing rapidly and Rahaf is very busy looking after him. Here is a recent photo of him with his father Monther and his sister and brother, Aseel and Mohammad.

Keeping up with English
Lockdown means that the adults can’t attend their English classes. John Barker is finding creative ways to help Monther keep up with his English during the lockdown, using WhatsApp video.

“I sent Monther a pack of 45 high frequency words. We are using 13 to practise reading. It was too complicated to give him instructions, so I’ve made my own words to demonstrate what I want him to do and to test him and make little sentences. It’s amazing how many sentences you can make with I, see, went, like, you, mum, dad, we, me, she, to ,and, yes. Sometimes I think I can hear someone whispering answers, and I realise Mohammad or Rahaf or Aseel are listening in!

Monther answers the phone I get a cheery ‘Ramadan Kareem’. Ramadan is a fruitful topic of conversation. We discuss the date, and how many days until Eid – which he says will be on 24th May. Then the time – and how long till Iftar, when he and Rahaf can break their fast.(it’s about 8.40 ) If we get onto favourite food, he will go into the kitchen, where there are always pots on the stove, a salad, a yoghurt dish. Aubergine is his favourite.”

Have a look at the other lovely Church Chat below describing how John is doing bedtime stories with Aseel to help her to keep up with her English.

Accessing health and benefits during lockdown
Getting baby Yousef registered with a GP and updating Universal Credit to get Child Benefit for him during lockdown was a bit of a challenge. All the forms are in English and have to be filled in and signed by the Rahaf. Our two interpreters, Lily Garty and Suzy Cartledge were incredibly helpful in sorting this out

Moving on after September
The family will need to move from their current accomodation at the end of September when their tenancy expires. We still haven’t been able to find them somewhere suitable to move to. If anyone has any idea please let Sheena know via the vestry. [email protected]