Community Sponsorship Update
The Al Masri family is doing well. Monther has started a training programme, working 2 days a week with an organisation supported by the Roman Catholic charity Caritas. He is learning to do painting, decorating and tiling and is enjoying it enormously.
The photos below show Monther learning to do tiling, Aseel on her seventh birthday and baby Yousef having his first ride on a train on his way to Croydon to get his residence permit

A request for your help
The family needs to move by the end of September when their current tenancy comes to an end. They have lived in their current flat for two and a half years but baby Yousef is now 15 months old and they need more space. The Al Masri’s have been good tenants. They have always paid their rent on time, and the current landlords are happy to provide a reference confirming that they have been good tenants.
The family are looking for a three bedroom flat anywhere in North or Northwest London and are happy to consider a two-bedroom flat if it means they can remain in Camden near friends and the children’s current school. Rent payment will come from the Universal Credit housing allowance and as additional security, a guarantee may be negotiated.
If you have, or are aware of, a suitable property for this lovely family, the Community Sponsorship group would like to hear from you. Please contact Andrew Penny through the Parish Office
New English classes after Covid
During lockdown Monther couldn’t attend English classes and he struggled with online classes and Rahaf was tied up with baby Yousef . With lockdown easing and Yousef now 15 months old, it has been possible to set up new one to one classes.
Rahaf has two hours each week with Laura Bamford and Lucy Penny at HPC; the focus being on her practical needs, particularly shopping and communicating with organisations like the school and GP
Monther on his free days is continuing his English lessons at the Working Men’s College but in addition he is having three hours a week of lessons in Hampstead with John Barker, Laura Bamford and John Trimbos. These lessons are focussing on the vocabulary and language that he needs for his new job, asking and answering questions and taking instructions. There are also practical English sessions doing such things as identifying tools and taking and reporting on measurements.
We are incredibly grateful to this committed team of English teachers and Monther and Rahaf have both said how much they are enjoying their lessons.
The Community Sponsorship Group and the Al Masri’s would like to thank you very much for your ongoing support.