Coronation weekend

Saturday 6th
Come and watch the service
We will be showing it in church between
10am and 1.30pm
Sunday 7th
A special 10.30am service will be followed by cake and fizz
Celebrate with us before you go to your street parties
Monday 8th : The Big Help Out
Few can deny that King Charles III is a visionary regarding the damage our contemporary way of life has been doing to our beautiful planet. Therefore our “Big Help Out” will be taking the ideas of our king, and developing them for the new era which is just beginning ….. His book Harmony is a blueprint for a more balanced, sustainable world and this will be our inspiration for our Big Help Out.
We will have stalls selling Thrift, Plants, delicious lunches of Coronation Quiche and Coronation chicken, a wine and kombucha bar, crafting for you to try your hand at, children’s activities/
In the afternoon there will be talks by Dr Rupert Sheldrake, Iggy Bassi and Dr Wayne Binitic and we finish with a Ceilidh!
So cull your wardrobe, cultivate some plants, and come and help! This is, after all, our Big Help Out.
We want this to be a big day to remember!