Creative recycling
A big thank you to everyone who has provided new homes for the freecyle items currently on offer in the church entrance lobby.
One of the items is a big cardboard box of coffee cup lids. Jeremy and Courtney came across them when they were doing some decluttering. We use the cups but not the lids. And who needs lids without cups but Susan Woolf has come up with a creative use for some of them.
She sent me an email in which she explained “I took three sleeves of these lids yesterday, mainly because the Nursery class here in Nottinghamshire has asked for all kinds of craft materials, including loo rolls, magazines and wallpaper, etc and corks! I have also had a quick session with watercolour to see if they could be emojis for another teacher here. The inside is easy to paint with watercolour, but could have also used a different black marker or crayon.”
Thank you Susan