Do you know your butterflies?
The Big Butterfly Count is taking place now and goes on until 6th August. And where better to do it than our churchyard?
You can get all the details at How to take part in the Big Butterfly Count 2023 | BBC Countryfile Magazine |
One species out in abundance today is this – the Gatekeeper Butterfly – so called because they tend to inhabit hedgerows and verges – and you see them on gates! Apparently becoming rarer, every so often they make a comeback – and 2023 seems to be their year.
The BBC website explains why we need
“A Big Butterfly Count….
Butterfly species have suffered a string of poor years, as many common species have declined in numbers. The 2021 count was the worst Big Butterfly Count year on record, with the lowest ever number of butterflies and moths recorded, despite record numbers of entries from the public.
In the last forty years, the UK has witnessed declines in over three-quarters of its butterflies.
“Many of our once-common and widespread species like the large white, small copper and gatekeeper have started to struggle, mirroring the declines of rarer species,” said Butterfly Conservation president Sir David Attenborough.”
Once you’ve done your survey and submitted the results do let us know what you saw.
Judy East