Feeding of the 5000
On Saturday 13 June Junior Church met for another action packed zoom family service, this time based on the ‘Feeding of the 5,000’.
Jess Mathur told the story, aided by some very inventive props, and Maureen showed everyone how to make an origami boat. Jeremy then led the children in some lively action songs, with everyone being encouraged to join in
The service encouraged children to think about those who do not have enough, as well as the need to share what we have; inspired by the boy who handed over his meagre amount of food to Jesus.
The prayers were written and read by children in the group.
The session ended with the blessing and what has now become a zoom custom – the children’s Wind Up Amen!
The service was another lovely way for junior church families to stay in touch and feel engaged in our lively community.
(The photos show some of the boats complete with fish, sharks and random starfish and the Sea of Galilee; and Maureen’s snack of fish and chips!)