The Parish Church of St John-at-Hampstead

Church chat

Flowers in Memory 


“…Flowers fade, dreams wake, men die; but never dies
The soul whereby these things were perfected, –
This leaves the world on flower with memories.”

These are the words of A. Mary F. Robinson in her poem “Thanksgiving for Flowers”. Patricia Rigg in her book “A. Mary F. Robinson: Victorian Poet and Modern Woman of Letters” suggests these words liken the human soul as an unseen and intangible evidence of existence, to the scent of flowers that linger, first physically, and then in memory.

Flowers mark special occasions and, for many, bring back memories.  They may remind us of someone special while, like life, they fade.

If you would like to remember (or celebrate) someone special who has died during a particular week – the week they died, or perhaps their birthday – and would like to sponsor the flowers in the Church during that week, please contact Esther Fitzgerald at [email protected] . You can also ask Courtney, the Parish Administrator at [email protected] to put a note in the Worship News that is sent out each Saturday, stating who the flowers that week are in memory or celebration of.