Hampstead Parochial School – 2020 Leavers
2020 will be remembered, I’m sure, as a year that tested our resilience: the pandemic has impacted each of us, old and young, in very many ways. But it has also been a time of innovation and creativity – and nowhere more, I feel, than at Hampstead Parochial School. When it became evident that we were in lockdown for a significant period, that the SATs exams were cancelled, and that learning would need to continue online for some time to come, I wondered how we might recognise and celebrate with our Year 6 children that important transition as they leave primary school and prepare for secondary school in September.
In previous years, Year 6 children have staged a drama production for the school community, there would be Sports Day to enjoy and a School Disco, school shirts would be signed as a keepsake, and there would be the Leavers’ Service at Hampstead Parish Church (attended by all the school and with barely a dry eye in the house).
Not so this year.
However, what we have seen is a wonderful demonstration of creativity and inclusion. A small group of parents have worked hard to compile a Year Book with photos and memories, to pull together a video of all the children, and to organise 2020 Leavers hoodies for the children to wear proudly.
And today, we were able to join a moving Leavers’ Service in the school hall via the Hampstead Parish Church Facebook page. We dialled in from nearby (some parents watched on their phones in the Additional Burial Ground), from our homes, and one family even joined from South Korea! There were shared memories, singing (accompanied by Mr McLean on guitar), prayers and a message from Father Jeremy (in deepest Wales). Mother Ayla spoke about the school’s values of forgiveness, responsibility, koinonia, friendship, compassion and respect – which have been very much in evidence through our Year 6 children – and she presented a Bible to each child. And there was a wonderful video of the children dancing through the decades – from the Charlston to the jive, ‘YMCA’, ‘Gangnam Style’ and ‘Swish Swish’ – all masterfully put together by their teacher Mr Williams.
A huge thank you to Mr McLean, Mr Williams, Miss Ohene-Kodua and all the Hampstead Parochial School staff team for making this end of school year special for our children. And thank you to Mother Ayla for leading the worship for us all to enjoy – and then taking the time to hand deliver Alice’s Bible to her at home.
Happy summer holidays, everyone!