Harvest 2020
Our harvest festival this year was a bit different. There was no harvest lunch, but we were still able to celebrate and to share our own harvests and the harvests of others. It was a very fruitful event! The gates outside were literally decked with grapes and grape vines which had been found overhanging the walls of the graveyard. Fenton House gave us some of their apples and Jerusalem artichokes to share out and the children decorated the chancel railings with red and green paper apples, ‘Handpicked by God’, with their own spiritual thoughts of harvest. The flower arrangers focussed on their personal pandemic harvests – engaging with their gardens, knitting for premature babies in Sierra Leone and twiddlemuffs for the Royal Free, taking up cycling, sewing scrubs for the NHS and new technical achievements. All things that may not have happened if it hadn’t been for Covid.
This year, as in the last few years, our harvest collection went to ‘Send a Cow’ https://sendacow.org/ a wonderful charity that helps to lift families out of poverty in Africa. People also donated food items all of which will go to our neighbours at the Chalk Farm Foodbank.
We also had the pleasure of hearing Melissa Wilson’s first sermon on her placement with us.
There was much to celebrate.