Holiday in Hampstead
The summer holidays are nearly here and so is Holiday in Hampstead, which this year runs from Monday July 31st to Friday August 4th. As usual there will be a wonderful variety of talks in the church, thanks to the talents of our congregation, their friends and our previous clergy.
You probably recognise this window but how much do you know about the artist? Caroline Barron will tell us about Joan Fulleylove.

Then there’s Orkney: what has Andrew Lloyd Evens to tell us about its Neolithic past?

And whether you’ve been to Venice or not Stephen Tucker has some fascinating insights into such travellers as Dickens and D H Lawrence.

Plus there are talks by Frances Spalding on art between the wars and Andrew Gimson on Boris Johnson and so much more. Do look at the full timetable on the front page of this website and choose what to attend – or why not book for the whole week? £60 includes morning coffee, lunches, afternoon tea and all the entertainment.