In Praise of the Hampstead Collective

How lucky we are to have the first concert series of the Hampstead Collective to look forward to every Monday evening right up to Christmas.
The Hampstead Collective grew out of the Parish Choir’s experience of working intensively together during lockdown to record the hymns and anthems needed for Sunday worship. Introducing their programme they wrote that although, ‘in a busy life as aspiring soloists _ concert, recital, opera cancellations were indeed wounding, and relentlessly so, it wasn’t until the closing of churches, that we looked at the centre of things, and realised that the anchor of which we’d only just noticed the existence had become dislodged _ for many of us, choral singing had been the way into music, and coming together on Sundays was a way of honouring that, and maintaining our connection with the source of our identities as musicians.’
Happily they didn’t spend long lamenting what was lost. They set about devising an inspiring and varied programme of one-hour recitals, meditations and concerts, which explore their dreams and exploit their strengths both as individuals and as a team. With support from the Friends of the Music, who are assisting with Front of House duties, from the Friends of the Drama who are providing readers, and from the Hampstead Church Music Trust which has backed the project financially, the Hampstead Collective has reached out to draw us all together in an extended parish arts festival, which has lifted our spirits in this sad year.
Space does not allow me to pick out individual performances, and it would be invidious to do so. Highlights for me have included some spectacular instrumental accompaniments and excellent programme notes as well as the vocal stars. There are still many treats in store, so do explore the programme on the Hampstead Collective web-site, and be part of a very special event in the life of our community.