The Parish Church of St John-at-Hampstead


7/7 remembered David and Angela Gardner

7th July marks the third anniversary of the London bombings a poignant anniversary for many Londoners (and others) directly or indirectly affected by the events of that day.

As a family, our memories of 7/7 and our emotional response to them are complex and sometimes difficult to recall and articulate. However, beyond all this, we feel a deep sense of gratitude and are humbled by the response of others to David’s situation fellow tube travellers, paramedics, police, medical teams, family, friends and colleagues.

It was a great comfort to us to know that David was remembered in prayer by many of you at St. John’s and we were grateful too for your good wishes and kind offers of practical support.

We have moved on since 7/7. We count ourselves among the lucky ones: David survived thanks to the compassion and skill of those who assisted him in the aftermath of the explosion. And as we look forward to the arrival of a baby brother or sister for Matthew later this summer, we feel that our 7/7 story is a positive one, a story of hope.

So, when we were asked to contribute to a Channel 4 documentary to remember the third anniversary of the London bombings, we didn’t dismiss the idea immediately. After speaking to the film company at some length, we agreed to assist them in their third anniversary project.

Channel 4 will be broadcasting two documentaries related to the London bombings. Details (at the time of print) are as follows:
The first documentary, The Miracle Survivors, will be screened on Monday 7th July at 9pm. It covers the story of passengers who survived the deadliest of the 7/7 explosions at King’s Cross.

The second documentary, The Angels of Edgware Road, will be screened on Sunday 13th July at 7pm. This features the experiences of the passengers (including David) who were severely injured in the Edgware Road bomb blast and tells the story of how fellow passengers broke their way into the bombed carriage to save them.