The Parish Church of St John-at-Hampstead


A Literary Hour John Willmer

War and Afterwar  Impact on People and Places.

November is the month for remembrance of those who have died or suffered in war.  As in previous years, this will be the theme of this month’s Literary Hour.  Remembrance services and appeals promoted by charities tend to concentrate on members of the armed forces and their families.  But war does not only impact on them.  It can have a devastating effect on civilians and indeed on whole countries.  So this year many of the pieces read will look at such effects, from wars throughout the ages, both for individuals and for communities.  For World Wars I and II, the concentration will be on matters such as the effect on civilians of the submarine menace, including the sinking of the “Lusitania” in WWI, and in WWII on the effect of bombing.  Time will be too limited to examine any one war in depth, but the aim will be to make the hour both moving and thought-provoking.

Entry free.  Retiring collection in aid of the Church Fabric Fund.