The Parish Church of St John-at-Hampstead


A Literary Hour – Decline and Fall Stephen Clarke

“The age of chivalry is gone, and that of economists has succeeded it!” Burke’s condemnation of Europe’s failure to rescue Marie Antoinette sets the tone for the Hampstead Players’ Literary Hour “Decline and Fall” on Wed Sept 18th. Poems and songs, often in fast-moving sequences, recall how majesty, wealth and beauty are destroyed by treachery, divine vengeance or a simple failure to balance the books. Be prepared to hear Shakespearean dirges cross-cut with American folk music! Wordsworth’s descent from heroic rebel to government toady is properly castigated. So are assorted Assyrians, Venetians, Greeks and the odd – in one case very odd – Irish Nationalist. Join us for an hour of fun depicting the downfall of empires, cities and Mr Micawber’s personal finances. 1pm in the church, free but with a retiring collection.