The Parish Church of St John-at-Hampstead


A visit to Siena       Jules Lubbock

Following my talk about Ambrogio Lorenzetti’s frescoes of Good and Bad Government in the Sala della Pace in Siena to Holidays in Hampstead, several people have asked me whether I would be prepared to conduct a visit to Siena.

I would be very happy to do so. Anyone who is interested please get in touch with me at [email protected].

If enough people would like to come then we can discuss dates and the length of the visit. The best time would probably be early spring or autumn next year. Three or four days would be a good amount of time to see all the treasures of Siena.

Jonathan White, a fellow parishioner and former colleague of mine at the University of Essex, has expressed a strong desire to join forces with me. Jonathan and I used to take our students to Siena together. Jonathan taught Literature and is very familiar with the culture of Siena about which he taught me a huge amount.

Please get in touch, even if you’re not absolutely certain, and we can then meet perhaps either online or in person to make plans.