The Parish Church of St John-at-Hampstead


Betrayal, Love and Sacrifice      John Willmer

Literary Hour, Wednesday 15th March at 1.00 pm

This year the March Literary Hour falls about midway between the start of Lent and the beginning of Passiontide. The theme chosen of “Darkness, Love and Sacrifice” should fit well with the theme for the Lent Study Course of “Exposure to the Darkness and the Light”. The darkness of betrayal and sin will be contrasted with the light of love and sacrifice, both divine and human, in readings of prose and poetry, including excerpts from plays. These should be both entertaining and thought provoking and may help us to prepare for Passiontide and Easter.

Come and see, and tell your friends. 1.00 pm in the church. Tea and coffee available afterwards. Entry free, but a retiring collection for the Church Fabric Fund.