The Parish Church of St John-at-Hampstead


New Year Greetings from the Friends of the Drama John Willmer

The Friends of the Drama (aka The Hampstead Players) would like to give New Year greetings and all good wishes for 2007 to the clergy and people of Hampstead Parish Church.

We would also like to express our thanks for the help and support received during 2006, our 30th anniversary year. This has been an extremely successful year, with more events and productions, both here and away, than ever before. These have included a revival of the Hampstead Players’ Youth Theatre, which we plan to continue for the benefit of young people in this church and neighbourhood. We are conscious that this has at times put extra pressure on church space and are grateful for the forbearance shown.

We are also pleased that, in addition to payments for our use of church premises, we have been able to make a year’s end donation to the church of £3,000.