The Parish Church of St John-at-Hampstead


Visit to Iona

An invitation to people in the Diocese of London

People from the region who are interested in faith and history are offered the chance to explore the historical island of Iona during a six-night stay next year.
Fr Tim Bugby is inviting pilgrims from across the region to join him on the journey of discovery from 22 – 30 March, 2007.

The group will also visit Durham, Ruthwell and Whithorn as well as staying at St.John’s College, Durham.

It promises to be an exciting journey as we see the oldest Celtic Cross on these shores and hear about why kings wished to buried on the sacred Island of Iona.

£565 includes full board on Iona, a night in Durham and a night in Scotland as well as luxury coach travel from Durham to Oban and all ferry crossings.

For further information, please contact
Rob Marshall on 0845 601 9567