Open House London

Do you recognise this piece of plasterwork? If you’ve spent any time in church you must have seen it, been staring at it, but it’s so high up and, even with 21st century lighting, so hard to see, that most people wouldn’t notice it. Yet the craftsmen thought it worth taking the trouble to make it beautiful. That’s what Open House is about – finding the beauty in our buildings.
I confess that when Ayla said she’d successfully entered the church in the Open House London Scheme I was slightly sceptical that it would go ahead. We were barely out of lockdown, schools were only just going back, there were no services in church, let alone events – there seemed no possibility that it could happen.
I was proved wrong – even though right up the last minute I was receiving updates from the organisers about what we could / couldn’t do, what limitations there were going to be. I wondered if anyone would come.
We duly commissioned some eye-catching posters from Maggie Willmer – we were actually going to be open, not just online as some venues were. But the church is open every day so what difference would they make?
They made a difference!
78 people (thanks to Track and Trace we know exactly how many) visited us, spent time looking round, perused the Archive display Sue Kirby had set up, admired the Fulleylove window and learnt more about the artist from Caroline Barron. They devoured Sue Kwok’s cakes and coffee.
I am deeply grateful to everyone who helped – Sheena for her imagination and drive when I would have flagged, and all the team of volunteers who gave up their time to be there for the visitors. As one woman said “how lovely to find such a friendly welcome”. And personally I felt it was really nice to have an event in church again. All the interesting things to see – people to chat to – tea and cake – it felt almost “normal”. Ayla would have been very pleased with it I’m sure!